Christian singer Natalie Grant is recalling her creative process in writing the song "Clean," which is taken off the album "Be One" released in 2015.
"I will never forget the moment I wrote the song 'Clean,'" the singer writes on her Facebook page. "The lyrics 'there's nothing too dirty that He can't make worthy...' came and I began to weep. It was a holy moment. Truly an experience I'll never forget. Honestly, I feel like God wrote the lyrics and I just held the pen."
Grant says "Clean" was actually inspired by a friend of hers who was coming to terms with the sexual abuse she endured as a child. Grant wanted to tell her friend, "You are clean. We all are. That's the beauty of His grace and redemption."
The song "Clean" is also a constant reminder for the singer herself that the grace of God does not have an expiration date, and she hopes her listeners would be inspired by that message, too.
Meanwhile, Grant is also speaking up on behalf of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, two men who were shot to death by police officers. "Only Jesus," writes Grant. "I'm not even sure what to say. These two words are the only thing that come to my mind. The same two words that came to my mind in the shooting of #altonsterling and #philandocastile. The same two words that came to mind as I read about the violence in Dallas against the #Dallaspolice. Complicated problems. Shattered hearts and lives. Broken world. But these two words: only Jesus."
Despite all the bad things happening around the world, Grant is certain that hope still lives. She promises to do better as a Jesus follower and listen more to the needs of others, embrace and love other people more, and raise her daughters to do the same thing.