Christian artist Natalie Grant is one proud mother. Her 9-year-old daughter Gracie was rushed to the hospital earlier this February after her lung collapsed and she stopped breathing momentarily. But instead of being beaten down by fear because of her asthma attack, little Gracie channelled her emotions into a song.
Gracie wrote a worship song called "Cares" which Grant happily shared on her Facebook page. "The lyrics and melody are ALL HER. Her daddy added the chords," says Grant. "After her stay in the ICU, she has struggled with some fear and anxiety. She was reading a children's devotional from Pastor Rick Warren and was inspired to write her first song. Gracie has such wisdom and insight for her age. And that sweet angel voice. I swoon."
The lyrics of Gracie's song go: "I'll turn my cares into prayers/ Turn my worry into trusting/ When I am afraid, I will call your Name/ When I am alone, you will comfort me and heal me/ When I'm feeling scared, I'll turn my cares into prayers/ I am not alone/ When I'm in distress, I'll come to your throne."
Gracie's song has received over 4,000 likes already. People are impressed by her vocabulary range. One fan says it's amazing that Gracie used the word "distressed" in her song. Grant agrees, saying she "about fell off my chair" when her daughter first asked her to read the lyrics.
Aside from writing the song, Gracie has been invited to speak about her experience in the hospital on Capitol Hill. She and her mother have also been asked to talk about the healing power of prayer.
"Gracie was asked to tell her story and advocate on behalf of the 24 million Americans living with asthma. I was thrilled at the opportunity for my 9-year-old daughter to learn the importance of taking the bad and using it for good," says Grant. "Learning how to embrace every part of our story can not only be empowering and freeing for ourselves, but life changing for someone else" as well.