L.A. Lakers point guard Jeremy Lin answered questions from fans last week, and revealed the sin that he struggles with the most.
Lin hosted the question-and-answer session on Facebook, and shared that he continues to work on being less prideful.
"How do you keep getting more humble the more attention you get?" one person asked.
"I'm not humble," Lin replied. "Pride is my greatest sin I struggle with. But I'd say as I get older, go through more experiences in life and face tougher obstacles, I realise that I'm more sinful and need God more than I ever imagined."
The 25-year-old garnered national press after leading a winning streak for the New York Knicks during their 2011-2012 season. The resulting fanfare was dubbed "Linsanity."
The NBA star went on to play for the Houston Rockets before being traded to the Lakers last month.
Lin is also an evangelical Christian, and frequently discusses his faith in media interviews. He was a Bible study teacher at Harvard University's Asian American Christian Fellowship, and revealed that his trust in God helped him get through performance slumps on the court.
"Even with the constant setbacks, even with the constant trade rumors, even when my jersey number was given away, I was still so much more joyful and at peace than I was after all the worldly success of Linsanity," he told Inside the Lakers last month. "That's evident of a stronger relationship with God and that's true success."
He reiterated that his relationship with God has sustained him through difficult times during last Thursday's Q&A in honor of his "Fan Appreciation Week" social media campaign.
"In terms of all the doubters in the world, what is your response to them?" a fan asked.
"Nothing," Lin answered. "I play for the Man upstairs."
He also shared fun facts about himself—revealing that "seared salmon, toro or sweet shrimp" are his favorite types of sushi, the Backstreet Boys hit "I Want it That Way" is his favorite karaoke song, and out of the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leonardo is his favorite.