Negative views of Muslims increasing throughout Europe

David Cameron with imam Qari Asim and Shabana Muneer, a member of the mosque's women's group, at the Makkah Masjid Mosque in Leeds earlier this year. Reuters

Views of Muslims in countries in Europe are least negative in the UK and most negative in eastern and southern countries, according to new research. However, unfavourable views of Muslims are on the rise throughout Europe, including in the UK. 

The research from Pew Global shows growing fears that waves of Muslim refugees will lead to more terrorism and fewer jobs.

The report says the attacks in Paris and Brussels have fueled fears of terrorism. In eight of the 10 European nations surveyed, half or more believe refugees increase the likelihood of terrorism.

Europeans are also worried the refugees will be an economic burden and take away jobs and social benefits. This is the biggest worry for Hungarians, Poles, Greeks, Italians and French, while in Sweden and Germany, half those surveyed say refugees make their nation stronger because of their work and talents. 

Most of the recent refugees to Europe are from Muslim countries such as Syria and Iraq.

For some Europeans, negative attitudes toward Muslims are tied to a belief that Muslims do not wish to participate in the broader society.

In every country polled, the dominant view is that Muslims want to be distinct from the rest of society rather than adopt the nation's customs and way of life. 

Views of Muslims more negative in eastern and southern Europe

Most of those surveyed do not believe the Muslims in their country would support Islamic State. 

Altough the UK had the lowest proportion of people with unfavourable views of Muslims, negative opinions about Muslims were much more common among people on the ideological right. 

Pew Research surveyed more than 11,000 people across 10 European Union nations and the United States before the EU Referendum. 

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