One year since the launch of "No Man's Sky" and it is up for its third major update which will soon grace everyone with its presence.
The game's developer, Hello Games, named this update "Atlas Rises," and it will zoom in on the improvements made to the game's central story. It will also bring in the ability to quickly travel in between places using portals. Hello Games added that more details regarding update 1.3 will be released once it goes live, which is likely happening this week.
Placing focus on the game's central story is a good thing, as it was often criticized in the past. Many had hoped the previous update would also place some improvement on the story, but the major inclusions that were made back then was the introduction of vehicles as well as base-building. This left players to create their own stories and make a lot of effort into their exploration of other planets as well as mapping out parts of the galaxy that they were going to explore.
The quick travel feature has been speculated for quite some time, so it may or may not be surprising to the players that Hello Games has brought in this feature. Like the game's past patch updates, this update will be free and available to all players of the game, whether on console or PC.
"No Man's Sky" was largely anticipated in August last year, but as the game did not live up to the hype for many players, Hello Games received a lot of criticism, some even involved death threats as well as attempts to hack the website. The criticisms eventually blew over, and Hello Games has been quietly updating the game ever since, as its studio head Sean Murray stated in their latest announcement that they have been taking note of those complaints.