Two churches in North Carolina were recently targeted by pro LGBT vandals who caused thousands of dollars' worth of damages.
Based on a report by the Christian Post, the Bales Wesleyan Church of Jamestown and Grace Baptist Church of Greensboro, both located in Guilford County, were attacked by as yet unknown perpetrators who sprayed 'Gay's OK' and 'God loves Fags' on the doors and walls of the churches.
At the Bales Memorial Wesleyan, officials found the church sign destroyed and pelted with eggs and silly string. The parking area and the lawn were also trashed by the culprits who uprooted flowers and parking signs.
The hood of the church bus did not escape the vandals' attention as it suffered from what appeared to be key scratches.
Bales Memorial church pastor Carl Pulliam said that it would cost around $10,000 to repair the damage caused by the vandals.
According to the Christian News Network, Pastor Pulliam said that he was puzzled as to the reason for the attacks as his congregation does not discriminate against homosexuals.
"I can't tell you a reason that someone would target this church, particularly because this is a loving church. This is not a judgmental place or a place where someone would ever feel provoked to these kinds of acts," he said.
While police continue to search for the perpetrators, both church leaders say they have already forgiven them.
"[W]e need to listen to the words of Jesus from the sermon on the mount, 'But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthew 5:44),'" said Grace Baptist Pastor Paul Coward.