A new poll has found a rise in the number of Brits who say they are celibate.
The dating app Dua.com asked the views of 2,000 British adults in the survey.
The results showed that the number of celibate Brits has increased from 12% a decade ago to 20% today.
The poll also revealed the UK's most and least celibate cities.
Leicester was the most celibate with over a quarter of the population (28%) abstaining.
This was followed by Luton (26%), Romford (24%), Glasgow (24%) and Walsall (23%).
London trailed other cities as the least celibate city overall (7%). Other cities among the least celibate in the UK were Liverpool (11%), Birmingham (13%), Bristol (14%) and Portsmouth (15%).
Relationship expert Valon Asani told The Sun: "Celibacy may allow some people to focus on personal growth or other aspects of their lives, such as their careers."