NYCC 2017 news: 'Final Fantasy Dissidia NT' impress con-goers

Promotion poster for "Final Fantasy Dissidia NT" featuring the Warrior of Light Facebook/DissidiaFinalFantasyNT

Over the weekend at the New York Comic Con (NYCC) 2017, "Final Fantasy Dissidia NT" caught the attention of many gamers and con-goers.

The third installment of the Dissidia series has now been developed by Team Ninja ("Dead or Alive") but will still be published by Square Enix exclusively for the PlayStation 4. Unlike the usual "Final Fantasy" game, players of every generation will identify with the bar-setter for role-playing games (RPGs). "Final Fantasy Dissidia NT" is a fighting game that pits lead characters and villains of each series on a 3-on-3 explosive-high-flying-fast-paced brawl.

Seeing Cloud Strife teaming up with Squall Leonhart and Vaan Ratsbane was enough to make people swarm the booth. Gameplay mechanics are pretty much the same from the first two title releases. Unlike "Street Fighter V" or "Tekken 7," fights in "Final Fantasy Dissidia NT" are not set in 2D gaming grounds.

Players will have to run around the map to keep thrashing the enemy, and most of the time, send them flying to complete a combo move. Maps range from forests, deserts, snowfields, ruins, sewers, and even a throne room.

Characters confirmed for the 2018 full release are the Warrior or Light and Garland ("Final Fantasy I"), Firion and The Emperor ("Final Fantasy II"), The Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness ("Final Fantasy III"), Cecil Harvey and Kain Highwind ("Final Fantasy IV"), Bartz Klauser and Exdeath ("Final Fantasy V"), Terra Branford and Kefka Pelazzo ("Final Fantasy VI"), Cloud Strife and Sephiroth ("Final Fantasy VII"), Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia ("Final Fantasy VIII"), Zidane Tribal and Kuja ("Final Fantasy IX"), Tidus and Jecht ("Final Fantasy X"), Shantotto ("Final Fantasy XI"), Vaan Ratsbane ("Final Fantasy XII"), Lightning ("Final Fantasy XIII"), Y'shtola Rhul ("Final Fantasy XVI"), Noctis Lucis Caelum ("Final Fantasy XV"), Ramza Beoulve ("Final Fantasy Tactics"), and Ace ("Final Fantasy Type-O").

A cinematic trailer featuring all the characters and a slight reveal of the plot had fans shouting in excitement at the NYCC 2017.

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