After a pretty uneventful One Piece chapter 910, will we see a lot more interesting developments next time round in chapter 911?
If it's going to pick up where it left off last week in chapter 910, then it looks like Wano is moving into the foreground.
Luffy has reached the waters of Wano and at the end of chapter 910, a baboon appeared holding a sword. The jury is out as to what the baboon with the sword will do and what Luffy will do about it.
But in posts on Oro Jackson predicts fans are predicting that the baboon is hostile and will engage in a fight with Luffy.
One interesting fan theory imagines an encounter between Luffy and an old man who saves him from the baboon and tells him that he is in Ronin Wilds before revealing that he is Scopper Gaban, former swordsman of the Roger Pirates. That theory was well-received by other One Piece fans on Reddit.
DotaTV drew similar conclusions in their predictions for the next chapter, predicting that a fight is on between Luffy and the baboon.
"I think this baboon will attack Luffy for sure," says DotaTV. "I think that Luffy is going to tame the beast with Haki, and then ride it to where he wants to go."
As followers of the manga will know, the Reverie arc has begun and Otakukart predicts that this will become more important further down the road with the One Piece series than it is at present.
It reports that the world leaders will come together for a serious discussion that Luffy will be at the center of.
According to the editor notes for chapter 911, Luffy and Sanji will be going their separate ways and it will be some time before the Strawhats meet back up again with each other.