One Piece chapter 912 finished off on a cliffhanger but we won't find out how the plot proceeds from there just yet as chapter 913 is not coming out this week.
Instead of rolling out on July 30, it will instead be coming out on August 6 so we'll have to wait a little while longer to get some answers to the plot twists of the last episode.
Most importantly, we want to know where things are going with Basil Hawkins and whether he is wanting to fight against Luffy and Zoro or instead fight with them.
Basil Hawkins certainly looked like he wanted a fight with Luffy and Zoro in the last episode but it could go either way. Followers of One Piece seem to be leaning towards him forming an alliance with the two. That would make sense as they are much stronger than him so he would be taking on an awful lot if he were going to try and fight them.
Luffy and Zoro want to bring down Kaido and put an end to all of the pain they caused in Wano so there's a good chance they would be open to another fighter on their side in their efforts.
So it might just be that Hawkins was simply trying to make it look like he wanted a fight with Luffy and Zoro when actually he's as much interesting in ending Kaido's power as they are.
Last time round we also saw more of Tama and how difficult it is for her knowing that Ace will not come back to Wano. But her immediate wellbeing is not good as she has a fever and needs to get some medical treatment quickly. Otakukart speculates that she might have been poisoned. Whichever way, she needs to get treatment fast.
We'll find out what happens with her and Basil Hawkins when One Piece chapter 913 comes out on August 6. It sounds like it's going to be a pretty exciting episode. Until it comes out, we just have to enjoy all the speculation and theories!