More than 100,000 people have signed a petition to stop a Satanic Black Mass scheduled to be held in Oklahoma City in August.
"The Consumption of the Mary by Jai Kali Maa" will be staged at the Oklahoma City Civic Center and will reportedly be led by convicted sex offender Adam Daniels, the Gospel Herald reports.
According to the Civic Center website, the event will have two rituals that will show the evolution from Satanism to Ahrimanism. The first ritual will be a Black Mass done in 2014 and the second is the Consumption of Mary by Jai Kali Maa.
As of Saturday, the petition to stop the Satanist ritual has been signed by more than 104,000 people.
It was launched by the Tradition Family Property (TFP) Student Action. The group is calling on Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, Mayor Mick Cornett and the Civic Center to cancel the event.
"Every Black Mass is a direct, deliberate and sinful act of hatred against God," the petition read, adding that often a consecrated host is stolen from a Catholic Church and used to desecrate, mock and insult the Catholic Mass.
It added, "The Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ is attacked in a most vile and unspeakable manner. These insults against God are not only offensive to Christians but also repulsive to everyone of good will."
On Christmas Eve last year, Daniels poured costume blood over a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of the Saint Joseph Cathedral in Oklahoma City with a permit from city hall.
"This is a double attack—God and His Mother will be publicly vilified on city property," said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.
He said defiling the true Mass, the Blessed Sacrament, and the Mother of God is "a direct act of anti-religious bigotry and hatred against God."
"And when government buildings open their doors and allow a satanic Black Mass that offends God so deeply, it begs the question: Where is our beloved nation headed? Are we still one nation under God?" Ritchie asked.
When Harvard University let a satanic Black Mass on campus in 2014, TFP Student Action delivered 46,000 protest petitions to the institution that led to the event's cancellation.
But Oklahoma City officials refused to cancel the first Satanic Black Mass in 2014.