Target: Nepal.
A Christian organisation that seeks to spread God's Word to unreached areas of the world is all set to move forward with its outreach mission to Nepal, an overwhelmingly Hindu South Asian nation.
Global Advance — whose mission is to provide encouragement, resources, and training for frontline pastors in destitute nations of the world — has just trained 256 new church planters tasked with establishing at least 75 new churches all over Nepal for the next three years, according to David Shibley, the group's founder.
He said despite restrictions for spreading the faith in Nepal, there is now a "unique opportunity for the growth of the Gospel" in that part of the world. "So we're striking, in a sense, while the iron is hot," Shibley said.
"So we are excited ... and now we are going to begin to roll out that plan of the actual implementing and planting of these churches" beginning this month, he added.
Shibley said their mission is not limited to Nepal. "Nepali believers who are trained and plant churches within their own nation, they then can model this in other nations," he said.
Located between India and China, Nepal is considered a strategic country to reach with the Gospel message. About 80 percent is people are Hindus while Buddhists and Muslims make up another 13 percent. Only 1.4 percent of the Nepali people belong to the Christian faith.
Aside from the church planters, Global Advance has also trained over 200 Nepali women to become prayer warriors and spiritual leaders in their communities.
"We're very grateful for a wonderful team of women who went as trainers from the United States and shared with these precious Nepali sisters in Christ," Shibley said.
He said Global Advance envisions a "true Esther force of women in the nation of Nepal who could be a tremendous strength and force of the advance of the Gospel throughout that nation."