Over 7,000 turn up for Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour in Georgia

A large crowd fills up Liberty Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia on Feb. 10, 2016 as Reverend Franklin Graham speaks as part of his Decision America Tour. (Twitter/Franklin Graham)

American Christians want to see a change in their government, and the large turnout for Reverend Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday is proof of that.

"Prayer is the most important thing we can do for our country – and about 7,000 Georgians came out to stand with us and do just that at the capitol in Atlanta today!" Graham happily shares on his Facebook page. "The Lieutenant Governor told us it was the largest crowd they have had in Liberty Plaza – that's great! I'm thankful for each one who came. If Christians get involved and pray, we can make a difference in this nation."

He shares 2 Samuel 24:25, which says, "The Lord was moved by prayer for the land."

Graham notes that even if it was freezing cold in Atlanta, it was not too cold for him and the attendees to pray and ask for God's help to make America a great Christian nation once again.

During his speech, Graham says America might not "make it another election cycle if we don't get God's voice back in the political arena."

"I want to get Christians to run for office at every level. The Christian voice needs to be heard," he stresses. America has now embraced homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and abortion, and this is why the evangelical leader says the country has a huge problem called sin.

"But God loves us," says Graham, adding that he quoted his father Billy Graham when he told the crowd: "I feel that we're going to have to meet our political obligations as Christians and make our voice known if America is to be preserved with the type of Christian heritage which has given us the liberties we now enjoy. For unless America turns back to God, repents of its sin, and experiences a spiritual revival, we will fail as a nation."

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