From Oct. 10 to Nov. 1, "Overwatch" will be launching the "Halloween Terror" event. Halloween Terror 2017 is pretty much the same event from last year, as was quickly noted from hardcore players, but with new character skins, an added character for the custom game, and a new mode for the custom game.
New Legendary skins include Dracula Reaper, Van Hellsing McCree, Cultist Zenyatta, Totally 80's Zarya, Viking Torbjorn, Dragon Symmetra, Corsair Ana, and Jiangshi Mei.
In the normal Junkenstein's Revenge, players can now use Genji, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, and Zenyatta. A new addition on this mode for this year is the Dragon Symmetra who will be joining in as one of the boss monsters that players need to shoot down.
The real treat for this year's Halloween Terror is the endless mode for Jukenstein's Revenge. In this game mode, a team of four players must survive 12 waves of terrifying enemies. A defeat screen will flash if the door is destroyed by the abominations of Dr. Junkenstein. A team must have coordinated offense and defense to finish the game mode.
To beat this event-exclusive game mode, a team must have a decent balance of heroes that will consist of one healer, two damage dealers, and a tank. McCree is an obvious choice, not only for his High Noon, but the rapid charging of Deadeye will help during crunch times.
Players must charge their ultimate all throughout the course of the game. This means downing an enemy in an almost consistent manner is a must. Since Torbjorn is now a playable character in the mode, he is perfect for guarding the door by placing turrets on the elevated platforms. Player positioning is simple in paper yet integral in actual practice. A McCree is the best suggestion on the left post, while on the right could either be Soldier 76 or Hanzo.
Symmetra, when summoned, will use shield generators, so it would be best for players to not use their Ultimates in one go. Players will have to keep their distance from her and keep firing to take her down.
Two final things to note is that Riptires should be taken out from a distance once it enters the fray. The damage it deals to the door is quite large. Zombardiers fire from a distance and will disorient team plays. Players must make sure they taken down as soon as they enter the map. The most suitable character for these two would be Widowmaker or Ana.