Pastor John Piper, founder of Desiring God, used to believe that opposition to interracial marriage is grounded in Scripture. But as he grew up, he came to learn that his old belief was wrong, and that it is indeed acceptable for a man and a woman of different races to marry — just as long as both of them believe in the same God.
"In the old humanity, the decisive factor in human unity was being created in the image of God. In the new humanity, the decisive factor in human unity is that Christ is all and in all. To make racial and ethnic distinctions decisive in relations is to oppose the truth of what God is creating in Christ," he wrote on his website.
Piper clarified that the Bible forbids intermarriage between believer and unbeliever, not between members of different ethnic groups. The issue, he said, was not in race but in faith, religion, and allegiance to God.
"If you want to talk about a prohibition of interracial marriage, then let it be the biblical talk about the prohibition of marrying outside the Christian race," he said.
There is only one high profile interracial marriage that the Bible discussed, according to Piper, and that is between Moses and Cushite, a black woman from Africa. Even Moses' sister Miriam criticised his marriage to Cushite, but God was displeased with her criticism that He gave Miriam leprosy, therefore turning her hands "white as snow."
"At least we know from this story that God is not pleased with Miriam's criticism of Moses' marriage to a black woman, and there is no other criticism of it," said Piper.
For that reason, Piper said interracial marriages should not only be permitted or tolerated but also celebrated. Piper said interracial marriages will not destroy people, but will only highlight diversity and the power of Christ in it.