Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is currently serving eight years in a prison in Iran for his Christian faith, has sent an Easter message to fellow Christians around the world.
Pastor Abedini's letter, which could be seen in full on ACLJ, encourages Christians around the world. He writes: "On the Eve of Good Friday and Easter I was praying from my hospital room for my fellow Christians in the world. What the Holy Spirit revealed to me in prayer was that there are many dead faiths in the midst of Christians today."
He then talks about experiencing the death with Christ, before concluding: "Let us resurrect our dead faiths to living faiths by first dying to our selfish 'resurrected' self and experiencing the cross of Jesus. Then we are able to experience the Glorious resurrection with Christ."
Abedeni, an Iranian with US citizenship, was working on an orphanage project in Iran when he was arrested in July 2012 for "threatening the national security". He was sentenced to eight years in prison and lost his appeal earlier this year.
Since his imprisonment, it has been reported that he has beaten in prison and his health has suffered because of prolonged periods without access to medical treatment until now. He is currently in hospital receiving treatment.
His wife, Naghmeh, and two children continue to live in the US, where Pastor Abedini was residing prior to his imprisonment.
Naghmeh Abedini is actively campaigning for his release and has pleaded with the US government to put more pressure on Iran.
She recently admitted that it was a "very hard" time for her and Pastor Abedini but "spiritually, it is the best time in my life".