Pastor Saeed Abedini's parents were finally able to visit their son in the Iranian prison where he is serving his sentence, and the meeting was both hopeful and heartbreaking for all those involved.
It has been almost a year since Saeed last saw his parents, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. Despite the pain they're feeling over their son's imprisonment, they are trying to remain upbeat.
They recently shared photos of the prayer vigil held in Saeed's honour last Sept. 26.
Saeed said he joined the prayer vigil, adding that he felt very much encouraged that 966 vigils were held in 46 different countries and territories across the globe where people prayed for his freedom.
His wife Naghmeh, who spearheaded the international vigils, said she always looks forward to reconnecting with Saeed during visitation days, but she said seeing him interact with his parents was heartbreaking for her.
"It pains me to know what my in-laws have lived through with their son. They live for these 15-minute visitations each week with their son, but watching your son endure the trauma of unjust imprisonment is brutal," she said.
"Increasingly, my updates from Iran come with many tears. The pain of seeing your son shackled, describing the pains in his body or the beatings he endures has at times been too much for his elderly parents. Today's update was told through uncontrollable tears. Having seen the pain of my own children, I can only imagine the pain Saeed's parents have endured the last three years," she further said.
After each visitation, Saeed's parents would ask Naghmeh if they are any closer to securing Saeed's release. The time has not yet come for that, but Naghmeh is not without hope. "I look forward to the day I can tell them confidently that this injustice has come to an end," she said.