Pastor Saeed Abedini's sister Zeebandeh believes that even though her brother has been released from his prison cell in Iran, God is still going to use him to share the Gospel to other people.
"He's here, it's an answer to prayers, and I know God still wants to work through his life, and we still need to continue to pray for him," she told CBN News in an interview.
Zeebandeh can still recall the painful memories of Saeed's cruel imprisonment like it was yesterday. The pain of seeing her brother being beaten up and mocked for his faith was too much to bear sometimes that Zeebandeh is unable to form words to convey her anguish as she prayed for him.
"To be honest, sometimes I didn't know I can pray. Sometimes I was just in tears, and I could feel in my heart God could understand my tears, I didn't have any words to say because I was so overwhelmed," Zeebandeh shared.
"I didn't have any word to even talk to the Lord, and I would say how can I pray and I didn't know because I was hurt, I had a broken heart, but I just can say sometimes my tears was my prayer," she said.
When she finally received the good news that Saeed was finally moved from his prison cell in Iran, it felt too good to be true at first and Zeebandeh was afraid that things could still go wrong. Thankfully, Saeed's release from prison went smoothly.
"I had a phone call, I had just heard they had taken him out of his prison cell, and in the beginning I was scared, I thought what's going to happen next. But the day after they took him to the airport I had another phone call, saying he's released," Zeebandeh said. "It was an answer to prayer, it was a miracle."