"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson says his new film documentary "Torchbearer" hopes to open people's eyes about the negative effects society experiences whenever people try to push God away.
The trailer provided clips of "moral decay" found in society, from the mass murders conducted by the Nazis in Poland's Auschwitz camp to the execution of Julius Caesar in Rome. Surprisingly, the producers included clips of Miley Cyrus parading in a skimpy white outfit and glitter lipstick.
When The Hollywood Reporter asked Robertson why he apparently has a beef against the "Wrecking Ball" singer, the reality TV star answered, "The founding fathers were godly men, and I'm no different."
"If you don't see the decadence around you, dude, promoted by Miley Cyrus and others in Hollywood, then I don't know what to tell you. If you got an argument in favour of decadence, then give it to me," he added.
Cyrus is indeed known for attacking members of the faith community and their values. Last June, she sounded off against Christian conservatives for believing in "fairy tales" and refusing to give up on their traditional views of marriage.
"Those people — the ones who believe that, say, Noah's Ark was a real sea-faring vessel, that's insane," she told Paper Magazine. "We've outgrown that fairy tale, like we've outgrown Santa and the tooth fairy."
Cyrus was actually raised in a loving Christian home and was baptised in a Southern Baptist church. When she was starting her career, the "Hannah Montana" star even credited the church as her "greatest source of strength."
But after the wholesome television series wrapped up and Cyrus gained more popularity, she developed a different view about God and church.
Robertson said Cyrus' worldly view proves that people need to turn back to God. "When you remove the God of the Bible and suppress the truth and allow men and women to determine right and wrong, historically speaking, it always ends in carnage and murder — Hitler, the Caesars of Rome, the French Revolution, ISIS," he said.
"Man, there has been a slaughterhouse on planet Earth, and the common denominator is the removal of God," he added.