Abortion service provider Planned Parenthood might have gotten itself off the hook in Texas after a grand jury cleared the organisation of wrongdoing. However, it has not entirely cleared up its image.
In a Christian News report that came out on the same day the Texas grand jury decision was announced, Planned Parenthood was shown to have provided the hearts and brains of unborn babies up to 18 weeks gestation to the University of Wisconsin, disproving the assertions from both groups that no such exchange took place.
In a statement, the legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) said records would show that the University of Wisconsin in Madison had been directly obtaining baby hearts and brains from Planned Parenthood itself.
Planned Parenthood claimed that it does not donate foetal organs in Wisconsin.
However, ADF said the documents it obtained stated that the process to obtain consent to harvest children's organs "will occur in a private room at Madison Planned Parenthood" and that "[t]he research fellow or research coordinator [at the University of Wisconsin] will have Planned Parenthood consent for the disposal of the tissue."
"The consent process will be done at Madison Planned Parenthood on the day of the procedure," the documents outline. "The study nurse will speak privately with the subject and explain the aims of this study. ... Planned Parenthood mandates the use of a specific consent form for the disposal of products of conception which will be used."
"If the patient agrees to it, the fetal and placental tissue is collected through suction and deposited in a glass jar connected to the suction device, as per Planned Parenthood protocol," the documents state.
The documents also note the various kinds of organs harvested and describe how "specimens" are placed into tubes, which "will have written on them a number linked to the gestational age and the name of the specimen (i.e. brain, liver, placenta, etc.)."
ADF Senior Counsel Matt Bowman said the finding showed that "Planned Parenthood has once again demonstrated its willingness to cover up its role in the gruesome baby parts trade."
In a statement, Bowman said, "Both Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and UW-Madison publicly denied they had any arrangement to supply baby parts from women undergoing abortion to researchers conducting gruesome experiments, but the documents we obtained prove they were not telling the truth."