As "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" (PUBG) celebrates its staggering one million concurrent player base, developer Bluehole, Inc. has deemed it well to release exciting new updates which are sure to spice up the game.
Unfortunately, those who have been wanting a simple vaulting mechanism since the game's early access began will find the update wanting.
"PUBG" looks toward strengthening its own position as one of the most played online multiplayer games today with a new patch arriving soon. The new patch, as confirmed by Shacknews, will be more dense and bigger than the usual small frequent updates of the game and will include a new town, a new weapon, the mist or fog weather effect, and more.
The new gun will be a semi-automatic Mini-14 rifle, while the Tommy gun will be removed from care packages and will be obtainable via world spawn.
The patch notes will include important client optimizations to the game. Shadows and low-end gaming machine performance will be improved, as well as client and server connections, so that players can easily obtain the update and find game sessions.
One of the most interesting inclusions in the patch is the foggy weather update as it will hinder a player's line of sight and pose thrilling new scenarios for the player to experience. The new town will be called East of Stabler and will be no exception to the foggy weather.
Several animations have also been improved, such as leaning animation, which will now expose less of the player character's body, as well as the character's movement speed and stance animations. However, one crucial animation and mechanic is still missing — vault movement.
There was no mention of the vault move in the patch notes, meaning players would still not be able to vault low walls or obstructions. This was perhaps due to the "PUBG's" root game's engine limitation, which is the old military simulator "Arma 2."
The developers, however, are reportedly targeting a November implementation for the vault mechanic. The big patch is set to be released sometime in September.