A lot of players of "Pokemon Go" may not be aware that weather plays an integral role in catching Pokemon, which is why this guide explains how nature can affect the chances of Pokemon trainers.
Different Pokemon will actually appear based on the local weather, so it is advised to have a weather widget or app ready in the players' respective smartphones. Apart from this, whatever the current weather is, it will also give a boost to a corresponding Pokemon type, such as Water-type Pokemon being more powerful during rain and Fire-types being stronger when the sun is out in full.
The game has also now implemented a visual weather cue based on the locale, so players can compare it to the weather widget on their phones. The effect that weather has on Pokemon spawning is most noticeable when the weather is at an extreme, puddles created by heavy rain will significantly signal the arrival or appearance of a certain Pokemon for example.
A total of six weather types are present in "Pokemon Go." These are sunny, rainy, snowy, foggy, partly cloudy, and windy. It is not yet sure whether the snowy weather is included for countries that don't have snow. How rare or common the Pokemon are will also be based on the local weather and the current season, which means that some areas might have a certain Pokemon which others do not.
This will give more incentive for players to travel and change areas just to find a specific Pokemon. So far, data from Eurogamer has revealed what each weather does for each Pokemon type; Foggy is favored by Dark and Ghost Pokemon, Rainy is favored by Water, Electric, and Bug Pokemon, Snowy is favored by Ice and Steel Pokemon, Sunny is favored by Grass, Ground, and Fire Pokemon, Windy is favored by Dragon, Flying, and Psychic Pokemon, while it remains to be seen for Cloudy weather.
Players are advised that this new system will not be fully available until the end of the month.