"Pokemon GO" trainers need to gear up for this year's Halloween event because more ghost-type Pokemon will be respawning like poison mushroom.
According to a blog post by The Pokemon Company, October will be a huge month for ghost type Pokemon. During last year's Halloween event, trainers were left satisfied with the amount of Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar they caught. This year, Gen II ghost Pokemon, Misdreavus will be joining the spooky treat for fans of the mobile app game.
"We can't wait to get out and about to see what sort of excitement we can scare up while catching new Pokemon to fill out your Pokedex," a statement on the blog post read.
Fans of the game knew exactly that the cryptic message meant that Gen III ghost Pokemon can be captured during this year's Halloween event. Trainers should be seeing Shuppet, Banette, Mega Banette, Duskull, Dusclpos, and Sableye. There is also a possibility that dark types like Houndour, Houndoom, Sneasel, and Murkrow will make an appearance this month.
This seemingly slight release of Gen III Pokemon may be a smart disguise as one of the three major updates to the game that was promised by Niantic CEO John Hanke. The first of which was the much awaited launch of the Gen II Pokemon from the Johto region. The Legendary Raids and the Mewtwo Ex Raids count as the second.
With the year slowly waning down, the appearance of ghost and dark type Gen III Pokemon in this year's Halloween trick-or-treating for trainers fits right in perfectly for the third major update. This of course has not been confirmed by the game developer.
As for Legendary Pokemon, players are asking if Mewtwo can still be captured during the Halloween event. However, to be in line with the creepy and mysterious vibe Niantic is playing at the moment, nothing has been confirmed about this powerhouse Pokemon nor has it been denied.