Niantic is on a roll after their Halloween event, dishing out pleasant surprises one after the other. This has gotten fans hyped and are already anticipating the release of the next generation for "Pokémon GO."
As per Venture Beat, fans can expect a huge update in December. The said update will include not only the lovable critters from the Johto region, but it could potentially introduce some of the Legendary pokémon, specifically Mew and Mewtwo.
The idea isn't at all farfetched since the teaser trailer for "Pokémon GO" showed Mewtwo being captured in an area that looked like New York Times Square. It is a venue known for the New Year countdown, so there is a huge possibility that these Pokémon would show up soon.
Other features expected to be added in the December update will be the much-awaited player versus wild Pokémon mode, player versus player battles, and the trading system. It could signal an explosive end to 2016 and can make "Pokémon GO" a bigger spectacle than it already is.
In an interview with Games Beat, John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs, explained that all of those, including real-life events, are coming in the near future. The augmented reality game is a big hit, and after seeing the trailer, it won't take too long before the features that were seen will come to fruition. He did not specify a date, but knowing true-blue Pokéfans, they are already one step ahead of everything.
Otakukart has reported that one Starbucks employee leaked the information of when the update is going to happen. He mentioned that the internal email said Niantic is partnering with Starbucks for upcoming events and that fans can expect the big update sometime on Dec. 7.
News like this is not taken lightly by completionists; thus the Business Insider enumerated some of the Pokémon that trainers need to catch in preparation for the event. The list ranges from Eevee, who will be having two new evolutions by the time generation 2 appears, to Poliwhirl and Gloom, who have alternate evolutions as well. Since the Johto region is where baby Pokémon are introduced, players should also make sure to catch Ditto in case breeding is going to be a thing.
Nothing is confirmed as of this moment, but trainers around the world are sure to mark their calendars for this momentous occasion.