While some countries in the world are allowing the brutal killing of unborn children, Poland is setting an example and moving closer to passing a law that will ban all forms of abortion.
The lower house of the Polish Parliament overwhelmingly voted last Friday to move forward with the "Stop Abortion" bill, which if passed will impose a total ban on the killing of unborn children in Poland.
A total of 267 members of the Polish Parliament's lower house supported the bill on a nationwide abortion ban; 154 opposed it. The wide margin by which the proposed legislation was approved is seen as an indication that it has a good chance of being passed into law.
Joanna Banasiuk, a lawyer from the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture, who introduced the bill to members of Parliament, lauded the approval of the measure, which was put together by grass-root groups.
"Abortion is the massacre of innocent children, hell for women and a moral disgrace for men," Banasiuk said, as quoted by Life Site News.
The "Stop Abortion" bill started only as a signature campaign launched by pro-life groups, and eventually gathered 450,000 signatures. The Polish Parliament allows citizens to introduce proposed laws that will gather 100,000 valid signatures from citizens.
The proposed measure will give legal protection to all children in Poland against abortion, and will increase punishments for individuals who are involved in the killing of innocent babies inside their mothers' wombs.
The bill will now be deliberated upon by commissioners, before a final draft of the measure is written and voted upon.
While voting for the "Stop Abortion" bill, Polish lawmakers also junked the so-called "Save Women" bill, which sought to allow pregnant mothers to abort their unborn children on demand during the third month of gestation.