Before concluding his six-day visit to the United States on Sunday, Pope Francis warned Christians against nurturing the belief that God's love is only meant for their particular group, saying this is a "dangerous temptation."
In his homily at his final Mass in the US, at the culmination of the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, Pope Francis said such narrowing of God's love "is a perversion of the faith," the Catholic News Agency (CNA) said.
"To raise doubts about the working of the Spirit, to give the impression that it cannot take place in those who are not 'part of the group,' who are not 'like us' is a dangerous temptation," he said.
The Pope cited passages in the Bible describing how Moses and Jesus Christ Himself rebuked even their followers for trying to put limits on God's works. "Joshua told Moses that people were prophesying without a mandate and John reported that the disciples had put a stop to people casting out demon's in Christ's name," he said.
"Would that all could all be prophets of God's Word!" he said, "Would that everyone could work miracles in the Lord's name!" the Pope exclaimed.
The Pope also reminded the families in attendance that "love is shown by little things, by attention to small daily signs which make us feel at home."
He said such little gestures include hugging a loved one after a period of absence, a family sharing a warm meal at the end of the day, or a family holding evening prayers together. He said these gestures made by members of a family enhance love among them. This is the reason, he said, why families are called the "true domestic churches."
"Faith grows when it is lived and shaped by love... that is why our families, our homes, are true domestic churches. They are the right place for faith to become life, and life to become faith.''
The Pope said, "Jesus tells us not to hold back these little miracles."
"Instead, he wants us to encourage them, to spread them. He asks us to go through life, our everyday life, encouraging all these little signs of love as signs of his own living and active presence in our world."
Francis said these little acts of kindness and love should be the basis on how people should live and what kind of world they want for their children.
He said in today's world there is an "urgent challenge of protecting our home.'' Thus he asked Christians and other families in the world for help in spreading love and generosity.
Close to a million attended the 2015 World Meeting of Families at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, according to ABC News.