U.S. President Barack Obama appeared to have admitted that he is a Muslim during a speech he made in Turkey at the G20 Summit on Nov. 16, just three days after the terrorist attacks in Paris.
In that speech, a video copy of which is available on C-SPAN, Obama commented on the terrorist attacks by saying: "I think, on one hand, non-Muslims cannot stereotype, but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people."
He even appeared to put emphasis on the word "we."
This immediately merited a headline on C-SPAN: "Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?"
According to WND, this was not the first time that Obama had indirectly spoken about Islam being his true faith in the course of his career as a politician.
The online news outlet said this is not surprising since the president was born to a Muslim father and raised in his early childhood by a Muslim stepfather in a Muslim nation, where he was registered in school as Muslim.
"Barack Obama has many ties to Islam that have caused some to doubt his profession of Christian faith," WND said in its report.
As president, Obama has expressed support to the Muslim Brotherhood and even referred in a television interview to "my Muslim faith," the report said.
The president made this "slip of the tongue" in an interview during the 2008 presidential campaign with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who stopped the then-senator in mid-sentence to give him a chance to correct his statement.
"My Christian faith," Obama corrected himself before continuing.
Obama also has long been omitting references to God and Christianity in nearly all his speeches.
In a statement on the National Day of Prayer, Obama removed any reference to Christianity, the primary faith of America's founders, the WND report said.
In 2009, Obama even told the Turkish press that "we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation."
That same year, he told a French reporter: "[I]f you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." This was actually factually incorrect since in 2008, Christians made up 76 percent of the U.S. population at 173 million, religious Jews 1.2 percent at 2.6 million, and Muslims only 0.6 percent at 1.3 million.
In 2012, in a speech at the U.N., Obama once again defended the Muslim faith, saying: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
His administration's policies have also been described as "anti-Christian," citing the abortion mandate in the Obamacare programme as an example.
During an interview with the New York Times in March 2007, Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset."
The Times' Nicholos Kristof wrote that Obama recited, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent," the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer.
The first few lines of the call to prayer state: "Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that there is no god but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet ..."
Although Obama denies that he was ever a Muslim, public records in Indonesia listed Obama as a Muslim during his early years. A number of childhood friends told the media that Obama was once a mosque-attending Muslim, according to WND.