A whole new "Pretty Little Liars" is in store for fans when the show returns for the second half of its sixth season next year. Based on the midseason finale, there will be a massive time jump, which will see the girls five years into the future. Viewers will get to see how their lives have changed after college.
But one thing that will never change is that the girls will still be hounded by someone, and it's anyone's guess who the new Big Bad could be when the show returns.
The first four minutes of the season 6B was screened at New York Comic Con last Friday, Oct. 9, and Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario and Sasha Pieterse were all at the "Pretty Little Liars" panel to give some choice spoilers about the midseason premiere and talk about where their characters will be after the time jump.
In the four-minute clip, the voices of all the girls talking about "A" echo through the empty high school. Alison is now a teacher and is seen reading to her class. After the bell rings, Dr. Rollins approaches her and says that the judge has set a court date for Charlotte's hearing and that the court might compel her friends to come but he isn't sure if they're sympathetic to her cause. Alison confidently tells him that she knows her friends and that they'll come.
Meanwhile, Spencer is in Washington DC and has a successful career in politics. Aria is seen at a book signing, and she picks up a book, which turns out to be Ezra's. Hanna is seen sitting on a plane and playing with a little girl beside her, while Emily is working as a bartender at a resort. All four girls appear to be reading a letter from Alison, who is asking to spend 5 minutes with each of them before they testify in court.
Speaking about the time jump at NYCC, show creator Marlene King said she feels that the characters are "ready to play their own ages."
"I think it was really a group consensus that it was really time to age up the show," said King. "I think it's a little bit edgier and definitely more mature."
Season 6B of "Pretty Little Liars" premieres on Jan. 12 on ABC Family.