The pro-gay movement promoting same-sex marriage, according to a Christian luminary, has three graduated objectives—first, the ultimate destruction of marriage; second, forced affirmation of sexual deviancy under penalty of law; and third, the eventual criminalisation of Christianity.
Writing for Charisma News, Matt Barber— a retired undefeated heavyweight professional boxer who later became the founder and editor-in chief of barbwire.com, author, columnist, cultural analyst, and a lawyer on constitutional law—said gay activists won't stop after achieving their goal of so-called "marriage equality" following the Supreme Court's legalisation of same-sex marriage throughout the US.
Barber said these activists actually wanted to destroy the institution of marriage. "Homosexual activists don't want the white picket fence; they want to burn down the white picket fence. The endgame is not to achieve so-called 'marriage equality' but, rather, to render marriage reality meaningless," he said.
Taking his fight from the boxing ring to the cultural arena, Barber noted that Masha Gessen—a lesbian journalist, activist and author—has told ABC Radio that "fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there—because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie."
The same objective is echoed by homosexual activist Clinton Fein whom Barber quoted as saying: "Demand the institution of marriage and then wreck it."
It won't be long, said Barber, before people who are in polygamous relationships would also be pushing for legal rights to marriage, or even for incestuous relationships to be deemed acceptable. Even people marrying robots do not seem far off now, he added.
Christians are now suffering from the repercussions of Supreme Court's same-sex marriage decision, said Barber. He cited Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis as an example. When she refused to issue same-sex marriage license to a gay couple, she was sued and the couple even insisted on getting licenses from her "after learning of her religious objections to same-sex 'marriage.'"
Barber also cited the case of Colorado baker Jack Philips who refused to provide service to a same-sex couple and was sued as a result of his action, with the judge again siding with the accuser.
"That's how it works. Christian free exercise isn't outlawed all at once. Judges across our fruity plain simply order from the bench that millions of Christians, just like Kim Davis and Jack Phillips, must either deny recognition of God's natural order and Christ's admonition to 'go and sin no more,' or face prison for 'contempt of court'," Barber said.
"Welcome to America 2015, where evil is good, men are women, judges are tyrants and Christians are persona non grata. There is no more in between. The anti-Christ left has thrown down the 'gay marriage' gauntlet. It's either God or man," he added.