'Ray Donovan' season 4 spoilers: new city and new relationships for Ray in new season

 [Photo credit: Ray Doovan | Showtime]

The season 3 finale of "Ray Donovan" saw Terry (Eddie Marsan) taking the brunt of the Minassians' hit on Mickey (Jon Voight) and his family as Terry was badly wounded during the shootout, and Terry's condition made Ray turn to his faith as he sought Father Romero's counsel. Meanwhile, Mickey was wracked with grief and he drove off to Las Vegas to take some time for himself.

And while Terry survived, his near-death experience will have a profound effect on Ray in the new season. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner David Hollander gave fans a few things that they can expect in season 4.

"Season 4 is going to look closely at Ray's option or desire to go further with facing his own past, but that desire is going to lead him into a new relationship, a relationship that is going to open up his life personally and professionally," Hollander said to THR.

The showrunner revealed that this will take place in "yet another large city," but the show has no plans to entirely abandon Los Angeles.

Hollander confirmed that L.A. will continue to play a large part in the series, as it is their home where they "live and breathe through celebrity and wealth culture." The showrunner said that for season 4, they are going to be drawn to places that have the kind of lavish lifestyle that L.A. has and that they are going to set it up as a suburb. Though Hollander has kept mum about the new city, he did confirm that the show won't be filming in Boston.

As for season 3 addition Katie Holmes, Hollander did not confirm nor deny her return to the series, but did say that her character, Paige, and her family won't be the focus of the new season. However, there is a chance of Holmes's return to the show as Hollander teased, "I'm never finished with anybody."

"Ray Donovan" returns for season 4 in 2016.

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