This week on "The Real Housewives of New York," Sonja Morgan had a meltdown at Turks and Caicos, and the ladies agreed not to discuss Sonja for the rest of the day or they would have to pay the price — literally.
The episode started with Bethenny Frankel and Ramona Singer talking about Sonja, but then, talk shifted to Ramona's marriage and her ex-husband, Mario.
"He's part of me," sobbed Ramona. "He may not be good for me, but he's part of me."
Bethenny held Ramona while she cried, and the latter said that losing her husband was like losing part of her soul. She wished she knew how to fix him, but she couldn't, and she wanted to fix him so badly.
The next morning, Dorinda Medley approached Sonja to give her some advice and told her not to let the other women push her around. Dorinda told the camera that Sonja is "a big girl" and that if she wanted help, she'd ask for it.
Later, Ramona told Sonja that the other women think that she has a drinking problem and that she had gone after everyone's significant other. Sonja defended herself and said that she had never been with anyone's boyfriend or husband.
Things escalated quickly from there as Ramona screamed at LuAnn de Lesseps that maybe she might just talk about the things LuAnn did at her house. Heather Thomson warned Sonja that she needed to cool off and that she should go jump in the pool to do that. Sonja lost her cool and shouted at the ladies that being nice doesn't work for them at all.
"Nice doesn't work!" she screamed. "I'm not under attack, I'm attacking you ... Stop talking about me or I'll start talking about you!"
Later, the housewives — minus Sonja — got together and agreed not to talk about her for the rest of the day. If anyone broke the agreement, she would have to put $100 in a jar, and the proceeds would be donated to Dress for Success. Heather instantly put in $300 since she said she could't stop talking about Sonja.
During dinner, Heather asked Ramona if she had any marriage advice, and the latter told her that if there's one thing she learned, it is that men need to feel like they're important.
"My one advice to you is your husband loves you — you love him, but you still have to make him feel. Men are like babies," Ramona said before bursting into tears and saying that she'll love Mario forever and that he is her soul mate.
"The Real Housewives of New York" airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Bravo.