'Resident Evil 7: Biohazard' news: full extent of in-game horror teased in new clips

A screenshot from one of the teaser clips for "Resident Evil: Biohazard" YouTube/ Resident Evil

Capcom released two more clips of what to expect once the virtual reality-capable horror/survival game, "Resident Evil: Biohazard" hits the stores. This got fans even more psyched and scared in anticipation at the same time.

One clip is titled "Shadow," where it shows a figure hiding in the dark that suddenly attacks the player. The new enemy looks like a zombie that is seemingly immune to gunshots, thus giving an idea that perhaps it might be better to run away when you encounter this wraith.

The other video is named "Aunt Rhody." The scene starts with the player going up the stairs of an eerie house when he suddenly hears an equally bone-chilling voice of a lady humming a mysterious tune. The humming stops as the character goes near the shriveled lady in a rocking chair. She suddenly stares at the player with a hair-raising glare.

The first player horror/survival game could prove to be one of the scariest titles to be released early next year. With the added functionality it can offer to players who opt to use the PlayStation VR mode, it can send chills down the spines of even the bravest adult players.

According to Resident Evil's official website, the isolated view perspective would bring the player closer to the actual events, making it even more realistic and heart-pounding. The many mind-boggling puzzles that the player has to solve, accompanied with the uneasiness that something is about to jump on him, further creates a feeling of exhilaration.

Another thing to note in the newest installment is item management. The gamer is allowed to carry almost anything in the house, but some of them could be of no use at all. Certain items needed for survival, like ammunition and medicine, are scarce, further posing the challenge of how one will manage his resources.

"Resident Evil 7: Biohazard" is available for pre-order on PlayStation 4. Pre-orders will net gamers the survival pack and an early unlock of the "Madhouse Mode."

The game will be released on Jan. 24, 2017 and will be supported by PS4, Xbox One, and Steam platforms.

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