Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a respected conservative black civil rights activist, has come out to stoutly defend Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump from accusations that he is an "angry man" not suited to handle the delicate job of leading America, the acknowledged leader of the Free World.
Writing for WND, Peterson says he has come to know the real Donald Trump and that he believes he is not "emotionally angry."
"Despite all the coarse language and insults coming from Trump toward those who attack him, I have not seen anger in Donald Trump," says Peterson, who is also an author, television and radio show host, lecturer, and the president and founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), an American religious nonprofit organisation dedicated to "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man."
Peterson acknowledges that Trump himself has said he is angry in his book "Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again."
But he says this is a different kind of anger, calling it "righteous anger" at the evils gripping America.
Peterson says he should know what he's speaking of since he has been dealing with anger and angry people for the past 26 years as head of BOND, where he is "focused on helping angry young black men, and all people, to drop their anger."
He says he considers this kind of anger as the "No. 1 form of 'playing god' – unrighteous judgment – that holds people back in life, keeping them trapped in their passions, sin and vice."
He quotes two passages from the Bible where the two different kinds of anger are mentioned. The Bible says, "Do not be angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God requires," he says.
However, he says there is another verse in the Bible that says, "Be angry, yet sin not."
He says the latter refers to "righteous anger," he one that overcomes evil.
He cites the evils plaguing America: "The media lies. Our government does not protect us, but enables illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists. Our government drives out American business and jobs."
He says these are the evils that Trump is angry at and wants to get rid of.
Peterson also cites Trump's so-called "New York values," which critics regard as synonym for immorality and crudeness.
"Some think New Yorkers are rude. I don't see it that way. New Yorkers are straightforward," he says, adding that "Donald Trump tells the truth, loves America, and keeps the big-picture priorities of the country in mind."