Evangelists Rick Joyner and Franklin Graham shared the same thought after simultaneous attacks rocked the airport and metro station in Brussels, Belgium: America needs to protect itself from terrorists by controlling Muslim migration.
"We can expect these attacks to increase, hitting cities in multiple places at once for maximum impact. The U.S. is the most prized of all targets for Islamic terrorists, and we have been made the most vulnerable by our own government policies that have failed to protect our borders," Joyner wrote on his Facebook page. "It is likely that we will soon be looking back and marveling at how naïve we have been to allow this, but until there is change we must all learn to be vigilant, becoming watchmen for our cities and communities."
Joyner said people must resist acting out in fear, and find security in the will of God. "Knowing what to recognize as a threat is important, but far more important is keeping our eyes on the Lord, abiding in Him, and not letting anything steal the peace we have by abiding in the Prince of Peace. It is as we abide in His peace that we can more easily be directed by Him, and effectively pray for our communities, law enforcement, and our leaders," he said.

As for Graham, he said the Islamists have already warned the public that they should expect more terror attacks, and they should heed their threats seriously.
"I have long supported a temporary halt to immigration, especially for those coming from Muslim countries, until we have a vetting program that works and we can know who these people are," he wrote on his Facebook page. "If we can't get an accurate background check, they don't come in. It's as simple as that."
Graham suspects that the Brussels, Paris and 9/11 New York attacks will happen again "inside our borders" unless there is a change done. He criticised the current administration for lowering U.S. standards against Islamic terrorism, warning that America is in great danger now because of "a void in leadership."