Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church says people don't always get what they deserve, but it's okay.
"Everything about the American way of life teaches you that you get what you earn in life. We value work, sweat, effort, and performance. It's called the American work ethic," he writes on his website. "Overall, I like such a strong work ethic. God wants us to work at our jobs as if we are working for him."
However, Warren wants to make it clear that God never relates to people based on their performance. "The Bible tells us that everything God does in our lives — every blessing we have, every gift we receive — comes through His grace. In other words, He gives us what we don't deserve," he says.
People might argue that they have worked for everything that they have, but Warren says their understanding about their blessings is limited.
"The truth is, if God hadn't given you the energy and the brains to work, you wouldn't have any of it. Every breath you have is a gift from God. He doesn't owe you the next breath you take. It's purely a gift from Him," says Warren.
He adds that people are saved by grace, and God blesses, teaches, and uses people by grace. He also takes people to Heaven by grace.
One Bible verse that talks about grace is 1 Corinthians 15:10a. It reads: "Whatever I am now it is all because God poured out such kindness and grace upon me."
"You need God's power in your life. You need His principles to live by. You need His plan to operate upon. You need His purpose to live for," says Warren. "But you can't earn any of that. Though you and I deserve much worse, we get all of these things by grace. They are a gift."