Rory and Joey Feek have celebrated Christmas together with their 22-month-old daughter Indiana and Joey, who has stage IV cervical cancer, has now said if God is ready to take her, she's "ready to come home."
The couple were unsure whether they'd have one more Christmas together, however, Joey managed to fight through despite her terminal illness, and Rory has shared some photos of his family from the festive period.
Rory recently updated his blog 'This Life I Live', describing that his wife "has been having serious talks with Jesus."
"Yesterday with tears in her eyes and mine, Joey held my hand and told me that she has been having serious talks with Jesus. She said she told him that if He's ready to take her... she's ready to come home," the country singer wrote.
Rory also gave some worrying news, explaining that Joey's "pain and discomfort has continued to increase daily and so has the morphine to help her be comfortable."
"The dosage she's needed to keep the pain away has quadrupled in the last four days. I'd like to tell you that she's doing great and is going to beat this thing. But I can't."
Rory also spoke about the couple's country song "When I'm Gone", which featured Joey singing to Rory after he lost a loved one.
Rory said, "Our 'make-believe' song and video seems to be coming true. Some call it 'life imitating art'. I don't. I call it God."
He added, "He [God] knew I would need her to tell me goodbye... not just once, but a thousand times. And I'd need to know that no matter how much time passes, that she loves me still.
"And He made it so that if I needed to be reminded of her beautiful life and heart and voice... she would only be a 'click' away."
Joey was given just six weeks to live by doctors in October last year, however, she fought through to spend Christmas with her husband and young daughter, and Rory has shown off photos of the family opening Christmas presents, playing together, as well as meeting Santa.