Satanists in Oklahoma City are planning to pour costume blood on a Virgin Mary statue on Christmas Eve, angering Catholics who are demanding that city hall revoke the permit granted to the public desecration ritual.
The event will be held in front of the St. Joseph Old Cathedral in downtown Oklahoma City.
Adam Daniels, who held a Black Mass last year, said he will use costume blood treated with sulfur powder and ash and pour it over the statue, The Oklahoman reported.
The permit allows them to protest on the sidewalk and requires them to clean up the display after the event and ensure no fake blood is left on the sidewalk. The display will run from 4:30 p.m. and should be dismantled by 6:15 p.m.
Daniels said the display, called "Virgin Birth is a Lie," is aimed at "exposing lies" of the Catholic Church.
Catholics are demanding Mayor Mick Cornett to revoke the permit, according to Charisma News.
"This public attack against the Mother of God should be called out for what it really is: religious persecution," said John Ritchie of the Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). "Instead of feeding the flames of this new religious persecution, City Hall should revoke the permit immediately."
Through the protest, he said, government officials are allowing the attack on Christianity.
"When U.S. soldiers defaced a Muslim book, government officials harshly penalised them. If someone were to request City Hall for a permit to pour pig grease on the Quran and burn it in front of the Oklahoma City mosque, would the permit be issued, as long as they swept up the ashes? However, in this case, government officials are permitting a public attack on Christians. When will the screaming double standard end?" he said.
Ritchie said, "Blasphemy is not free speech, nor is the physical desecration of Mary's statue."
He said the Virgin Mary is regarded by Catholics as their own mother.
"To attack anyone's mother is just wrong. But what makes this hateful attack more heinous is the fact that it targets the pure and holy name of the Virgin Mary, in public, and on the doorstep of a Catholic Church," he said.