A devil's image that appeared in a rib steak cut sparked a furore on social media last week when viewers claimed to have seen the face and horns of Satan, according to reports.
A news website posted a photo of the bizarre cut which is said to have come from SuKarne, Mexico's largest meat processor. The picture was taken in La Paz in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, the Daily Mail reported.
The posting of the picture coincided with the run-up to Good Friday when Catholics traditionally avoid eating meat for religious reasons.
"We've received this image where the devil appears on a rib steak from Sukarne. what do you think?'' according news media site El Mitichon, which posted the picture on its Facebook page.
Responses were swift. One commenter said: "What will the poor cow have done to deserve this!!!"
Another joked: "The devil can come out of that meat on my grill.''
Ellit Payen also replied "It's shouting out to be put on the barbeque with some guacamole and beers.''
Other news reports said the translated caption read, "Is this good advertising for the company in this Holy Week, and what do you think? The question, which also received numerous replies, was in reference to the timing of the rib steak's discovery that came just a few days before Good Friday.
According to reports, a local paper was able to speak with the butcher who cut the steak and asked if he carried out a satanic ritual to make sure the steak's appearance came out the way it did.
The butcher said he had been mocked by his workmates after the photos were posted online.
Moreover, some commenters claimed they would never consider chowing down on the "Satan steak'' for fear it could really be the work of the devil as the presentation is in stark contrast to the more modest appearances by Jesus in potato chips and tea.
Currently, it was still not clear if the steak had been eaten although dozens of volunteers were reportedly offering to taste it despite its sinister appearance.