Justin Bieber reportedly supported Selena Gomez during lupus treatment

Selena Gomez Instagram/ selenagomez

Last week, Selena Gomez revealed the real reason why she stayed out of the public eye during the early part of 2013. At the time, many speculated that she went to rehab for substance abuse issues. It was also rumored that she went to a facility to deal with the stress of her on-off relationship with Justin Bieber. But Gomez finally broke her silence on the issue and revealed that she underwent chemotherapy for lupus.

Now, a new report claims that at the time she was undergoing treatment, Bieber was reportedly doing all he could to support her and be there for her. An insider told Hollywoodlife that the "What Do You Mean?" singer would make up songs and perform it for the singer-actress on Skype.

"If they were both in L.A., he'd come over and order all her favorite foods from all of the most expensive restaurants in Beverly Hills," the source added.

Right now, things appear to be over for Bieber and Gomez as they broke up for the last time last December after dating on and off for four years. Both have decided to focus on their music and have revived their singing careers as the "I Want You to Know" singer just released her new album, "Revival," last week, while Bieber's album, "Purpose," will be launched next month.

Lately, the two have been talking in separate interviews about their past while promoting their albums. Bieber recently admitted to Complex that his relationship with Gomez was "like a marriage," and he said in a radio interview that it was also the best part of his teenage years. In a new interview with Refinery29, Gomez admitted that she had her heart broken during the course of their four-year relationship.

"Of course I got my heart broken," said Gomez, adding that she also got angry about it. But at this point, she said that there's no more anger in her heart for her ex.

"There's closure in a very good way," she said. "We've seen each other. I'm always encouraging and I am proud of his journey…We grew up together. We both made mistakes. That's it."

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