Christians boycotting companies isn't something new. In fact, various groups of Christians in the United States have boycotted big brands like Starbucks, JC Penney, Best Buy, Lowes, Heinz, Levis, McDonalds, Target, Proctor and Gamble, Ford, and Disney. Was it right for them to do that? We're not here to be the ultimate judge of that, but today, let's learn more about our duties as Christians when a company promotes something against our beliefs and how we should act on it.
Boycotting is Never Violent
When a company or business goes against something you believe in, this can hurt and anger you. As a Christian, you don't want to just sit on the sidelines and let the company do what it wants to do. Of course, there's a part of you that wants to do something about it. Generally, Christians will come out and protest against the company, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problem ensues when Christians resort to more aggressive and even violent acts.
Jesus calls everyone to peace, and when a Christian destroys a property, that person becomes a type of civil terrorist. This isn't what God wants a Christan to do, nor is this God's work. Romans 12:17-18 says, "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
Again, there's nothing wrong with speaking your mind, but Christians should be mindful of pursuing our aims in a generally peaceful way.
One more important point to note is that it is not in man's hand to seek vengeance. Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."
If you can trust the Lord with everything, you can also trust Him with this.
A Christian's Duty
So, should you continue buying or supporting a company that promotes anti-Christian principles? The obvious answer is a no. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." This means that you should seriously consider rejecting anything that promotes sin.
Ask yourself, where does your loyalty lie? Isn't it with the Lord? Now ask yourself again, what is your duty as God's steward? First, if you are loyal to God, then you will not let any anti-Christian teaching or promotion slip. As a Christian, you have the duty to speak up and let your voice be heard. This is not a selfish act. Speaking up also means calling the company out for its bad actions that will affect society.
Frankly speaking, anyone can call it what they want – boycotting or just speaking up. The bottom line is it is a Christian's responsibility to let others know that such company's promotion goes against God's principles. And it is also a Christian's responsibility to seriously consider withdrawing any support for that company's actions or business.
In situations like these, you must always bear in mind that you are a child of God. As a child, you must not allow anything that will discredit or attack your father. We do not hide just because we are afraid of conflict. Why should we fear when we have God behind us? Also, choosing how not to support a company will be a matter of personal preference, and should also be something we should pray about and seek guidance from God about. Whether you want to protest publicly or speak out in your own community, we should always remember that as Christians we are representing Christ to this world, and what we do and say, and how we say it can influence the way others will see Jesus through us.
So we must remember to always honor God's teachings in whatever you do, even if it means sacrificing supporting a product that you've come to love for years.