"So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it."
2 Corinthians 5:9, NIV
We've all heart it said before that everything we do—even eating or drinking—should be done for God and for His glory. One of the marks of Christian living is making God's glory and honour top priority, but do we really do all things for God? What happens when we fail?
That exam that I'm about to take and don't know if I'll pass—should I do that for God? Or how about that business venture that just might flop and embarrass me and potentially even harm my faith—should I do that for the glory of God? Or how about when I eat or drink food that will just make me fat or sick?
When the Bible gives us a thought as strong as "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God," it really means that we should do everything for God (ESV, 1 Corinthians 10:31). Whether it's eating, drinking, working or doing anything that just might fail, God is not someone who will honour results more than heart. In fact, what God looks at most is not the production you promise, but the contents of your character and heart.
You can have the smallest church there is, a jump shot that doesn't even promise three out of ten shots made or a job that isn't what a lot of people want to do, but if it's done for the honour and glory of God, God sees you like a champion this world will never know.
I am reminded of the story of Gideon, who didn't seem like the kind of champion who would honour God. When he followed God, he followed God with an attitude with more skepticism than faith, but still he did things for God. When he led a troop, He led a troop of hundreds, not thousands, but he led for God. In the end, Gideon honoured God by allowing God to use him and three hundred men to mark yet another historical miracle performed by God.
What may seem like a possible failure to you, God can turn into an amazing breakthrough if done for Him—and even if it doesn't turn into a success, know that God has His reasons, and just like a loving father who appreciates the effort more than the result, He will be pleased and He will be proud of you.
When we do things for God, regardless of the level we do them at, if it's really the best, God is honoured, and when He is honoured He will honour and reward us as well.