On Nov. 17, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" will be released for a Nintendo Switch version. Developers name this conversion as epic fantasy gaming going full circle.
A gameplay trailer of the Bethesda title spread through YouTube last June had fans of the game and the console hyped up.
The Switch version will feature new mechanics that can only be applied specifically for Nintendo's next-gen console. One of the most obvious new feature is that "Skyrim" can use the Amiibo support system. This wireless communications and storage feature will bring the game new dimensions in terms of gameplay and long-term player engagement. Although the extent of the Amiibo for "Skyrim" is not yet fully revealed, the clip from YouTube showed a glimpse that game avatars will be able to equip Link's ("The Legend of Zelda") iconic outfit, complete with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield. This is hinting that other Amiibos can be used for the game, and that the possibility for a "Skyrim" Amiibo is highly possible.
Furthermore, in the later parts of the gameplay trailer, the full extent of Switch's motion controls was put on display when the player had to mimic the motions of shooting an actual bow and arrow to fend off a charging monster.
Graphics wise, nothing much can be significantly noted yet since the gameplay trailer lasted for just over a minute. The rich environment will give veteran and new players that game immersion that "Skyrim" is known for.
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" for the Nintendo Switch will be requiring 14.3 GB of memory space. The game requires the PlayStation 4 around 20 GB while 17 GB for the Xbox One. The Switch's max memory is capped at 32 GB, which means that players will need to remove previously downloaded games to free some space or just buy a new SD card.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) will also be launched on Nov. 17.