Sega will finally be bringing back Sonic to PlayStation and Xbox with "Sonic Forces." Announced last month at the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2017, "Sonic Forces" is scheduled to release for PS4, Xbox One, PC and off course in the Switch, by Nov. 7 in North America and Europe, and Nov. 9 in Japan.
Since the announcement, Sega has been teasing fans with stills and concept art of the new Sonic adventures game. This time it was in the form of a stage that hardcore and veteran Sonic players immediately recognized. The "Chemical Plant" stage is basically the present-day version of the Chemical Plant Zone players have seen and played at in previous Sonic titles, only this time the stage is in high-definition and the challenge level has spiked up.
The plot of the new game follows Sonic and his friends in a world where Dr. Robotnik is winning the war. The planet is overrun by Eggman's army of evil robots. Most of the cityscapes are in ruins or in the verge of being destroyed. The battle to reclaim the peace and harmony on the planet begins anew with Sonic working together with another Sonic.
Every single animal character that has ever appeared in all Sonic titles will be included in this all-star runner game. This also means that Chaos, Shadow, and Metal Sonic will be joining the bad guys' roster.
Game developers Sonic Team (Tokyo) will be following the 3D Sonic games format like "Sonic Generations" and "Sonic Unleashed." This has gaming fans worried since a 3D Sonic game is just a Sonic game by name. However, the new game will be featuring two Sonics. One is the classic Sonic character, while the other is from "Sonic Generations."
Unlike their first meeting from other titles, the Classic Sonic and the Modern Sonic will be two different characters that can level up individually. "Sonic Forces" also features a customizable character that players can use to play the game in a sort of game avatar fashion.