Soul Week’s BIG EVENT Kicks Off Today
The line-up includes some of UK’s most popular acts, such as Andy Flannagan, 29th Chapter, Jahaziel and Judah and Secret and Lou Fellingham.
Patrick Regan, CEO of XLP and Soul in the City, and Dr Jonathan Oloyede of Glory House will be hosting the event, while more than 5,000 people are expected to attend.
Regan told Christian Today: “The ‘Big Event’ is some of the UK’s best Christian acts coming together under one roof. We’re going to be sharing the gospel, and there is going to be a very high standard of performance.”
“It’s going to be fast, it’s going to be furious, and it’s going to be a real cultural mix.”
|AD|Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, co-organiser of the event, noted: “London needs Soul in the City because it needs transformation and it needs the touch of God, we believe, through the young people.”
The ‘Big Event’ will open from 7:30-10p.m.
Soul Week has been vivaciously moving forward with numerous projects running across London, since its launch last weekend at Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC).
According to Regan, this year’s Soul Week theme ‘Louder than Words’ comes from James 2:17, which talks about faith without action being dead.
“Sometimes, people don’t want words, but they want an arm put around them. They just want to see the love of God in action,” Regan said.
He added: “It’s about going to where the community is. So often, our evangelism is telling kids ‘come to church, come to church,’ but the reality is, these guys are not going to come to church. So we have to come to them.”
Soul Week 2006 launched last Saturday with famous American evangelist Nicky Cruz and his hip-hop arm ministry TRUCE in KICC.
The weeklong event is being hosted by Soul in the City and XLP, joint organisations that aim to serve, educate, empower, and mobilise young people.