'Stranger Things' news: David Harbour promises to bring back dad bod for show in exchange for his 'Hellboy' physique

David Harbour at the 2017 San Diego Comic Con International Wikipedia/Gage Skidmore

David Harbour will be back in time, and in shape, as the pudgy Jim Hopper in "Stranger Things" season 3 after having an Olympian physique for "Hellboy."

Whether or not this is Harbour's choice does not matter that much since he will have to be inevitably overweight to continue his role as the rugged police chief Hopper in Netflix's science-fiction (sci-fi) series. That said, it seems that Harbour is having a lot of fun bringing back his "dad bod" physique after initially shedding some weight and gaining some muscle mass for "Hellboy."

"I've already started the doughnut training. Six doughnuts a day! We'll get there, folks," said Harbour. It also seems he will be having an easier time regaining said physique compared to his intense physical training for "Hellboy." Harbour was also quite happy to see that people preferred his form as Hopper in "Stranger Things," despite the look being less than ideal as dictated by the norms.

The 42-year-old actor has also commented on how the opposite sentiment towards women in Hollywood happens all too often and has stated that it also happens to him sometimes. "What makes someone sexy in my mind is who they are. It's not necessarily how they look. If you have a dad bod, if you wear it well, and still shake your hips pretty good, I feel like you too can be a sex symbol," claimed Harbour, citing how people now referred to him as a dad bod sex symbol due to the dance he did in "Stranger Things."

With this in mind, the actor thinks that what makes people "sexy" is how they handle themselves despite the way they look and not how they look on the outside. Thus, he cares little for the culture of the society which dictates that a person should spend lots of hours at the gym and only eat healthy and organic food, meaning he might not be returning to his "Hellboy" physique unless it is necessary.

Fans will get to see Harbour in his preferred shape again once "Stranger Things" season 3 gets released sometime during 2019, according to the actor.

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