With much of the UK basking in glorious sunshine, it was a great day for Palm Sunday processions marking the start of Holy Week.
Below are pictures from the procession in York on Sunday from St Helen's Square to the Minster.

The procession was joined by local churchgoers, clergy, the choir and star attraction Joey the Donkey.

The Palm Sunday procession marks the start of Holy Week and recalls the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem before his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection on Easter Sunday.
It is an especially busy season for York Minster as the only cathedral in the country to host a Choral Evensong every day from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
There will be additional services throughout the week and on Good Friday, which marks Christ's crucifixion. On Saturday an Easter Vigil will take place in darkness in the space beneath York Minster's central tower, during which a new candle will be lit. Baptisms and confirmations will take place by candlelight in the Crypt in advance of the first Easter Communion.
The Archbishop of York will preside over and preach at the Solemn Eucharist at 10am on Easter Sunday, which will be joined by the full York Minster Choir.