A school district superintendent in Texas is standing his ground despite facing a complaint from a local atheist group.
According to the Christian News Network, the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation or FFRF had sent the White Oak school district Superintendent a letter of complaint after Dan Noll, principal of White Oak High School, quoted Scripture during his morning announcements to students of the high school.
In one of the announcements, Mr Noll quoted the Book of Proverbs, after which a student contacted atheist blogger Hemant Mehta with a recording of the proclamation over the school's PA system. Mehta then contacted the FFRF, which proceeded to send the letter of complaint requesting the school to "cease and desist" in making religious references during announcements.
Former alumni said such announcements had been made at the school since the 1970s.
School District Superintendent Michael Gilbert, who is also Christian, confirmed that he had received the FFRF's letter as well as a complaint from two area residents who were allegedly offended. However, he said that he would not pursue action against the White Oak High School principal.
"I am fully aware of the practice at the high school and will not pursue any action against our high school principal or any other member of our faculty/staff concerning this issue," Gilbert said in a statement.
He also expressed his belief that the practice did not violate any existing laws and was not meant to give people "undue stress."
"Bible studies and Scriptures are allowed in schools. The requirement is that the material be presented in a neutral manner," Gilbert stated, adding that he was confident the morning announcements at the high school had met the required standard.
Mr Noll said the school would present its case and not respond to the FFRF, and instead include the group in his prayers.