Reverend Franklin Graham has written an open letter to all of the 2016 presidential hopefuls in America, urging them to "take the high road" when the campaign period starts for the sake of the country and its people.
In his letter to Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Lincoln Chafee, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Martin O'Malley, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Rick Santorum, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, and Jim Webb, Graham commended all of the aspiring candidates for their desire to lead America.
"Our nation is in dire need of real leadership. In recent years, our political system seems to have fallen to a new low. If civility and honesty are not brought back into the picture, I think we will eventually destroy not only each other, but our nation [as well]. Leadership is not demonstrated by attacking each other. The election process should be about putting forth your ideas for a better America and for the future of all Americans," he wrote on his Facebook page.
Many in the media will invite them for interviews and will ask what they think of other candidates' opinions. "As you know, some intend to stir up conflict — and if they can get you to fight, it helps their ratings more than it helps you," Graham reminded them. "Ripping into each other, mocking each other, telling lies about each other and to the American people isn't a display of leadership. You have put yourself forth as a candidate for the highest office in the land. Take the high road."
The American evangelist said the people are more interested about the candidates' ideas about the future, and not hear any of their petty squabbling and negative attacks.
He prayed that God will guide and direct each and every candidate to do the right thing. Graham sincerely hopes that this would mark a new and improved chapter in American politics, with candidates considering the future of the nation more than their political ambitions.
"May we remember that the problems we are facing in this country today cannot be solved by any man or woman without the help and direction of Almighty God. King Solomon asked for God's wisdom in leading, and it is my prayer that you will as well," he concluded.