Tax returns show Trump's donations to LGBT groups, including one that promotes child homosexuality

A protester holds up a 'Dump Trump' sign in the middle of Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign rally in Portland, Maine on March 3, 2016. Reuters

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has given financial support to LGBT groups, including one that promotes homosexuality to children, Christian News reported.

The Donald J. Trump Foundation donated $30,000 to "gay" activist organisations in 2012, according to his filed tax returns. $20,000 of the amount went to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) while the remaining $10,000 went to the Gay Men's Health Crisis, according to a form 990 posted online and available for public review.

GLSEN was founded in 1990 by Kevin Jennings and a coalition of Massachusetts school teachers who reportedly supported advocacy for homosexual issues.

Christian News noted that the group's motto is "championing LGBT issues in K-12 education," saying that it creates printed resources for teachers to use in the classroom, including for LGBT History Month and LGBT Pride Month. It also provides suggestions for reading material to use as lessons for the children, including the books "Heather Has Two Mommies," "It's OK to Be Different" and "Tango Makes Three."

Some of the books that GLSEN has recommended have drawn harsh criticism for their graphic sexual content. In one of the books, writer Justin Chin recalls how as a 13-year-old, he experienced "near-rapes" by older men, but "really did enjoy those sexual encounters."

In another book, author Aaron Frickle describes how he and his male friends often engaged in sexual activity in elementary school and "never worried" if they got caught.

The Gay Men's Health Crisis, the other organisation that the Trump Foundation supported in 2012, is a New York-based group that seeks to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic among homosexual men.

"In 1981, six gay men (and their friends) gathered in writer Larry Kramer's living room to address the 'gay cancer' and raise money for research. This informal meeting provided the foundation for what would soon become Gay Men's Health Crisis," its website reads.

Trump's donations are among a variety of causes the foundation supported, including the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which received $100,000, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, which received $5,000, and the Magic Johnson Foundation, which received $10,000.

Last month, Trump was interviewed by Bay Windows publisher Susan O'Connell who asked, "When President Trump is in office can we look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians?"

"Well, you can," Trump replied, after saying that he personally opposes "gay marriage."

"And look, again, we're going to bring people together. And that's your thing (homosexuality) and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together, and if we don't we're not going to have a country anymore."

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