Ted Cruz gets backing of Charisma founder Steve Strang who cites his 'courageous conservatism'

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ‘stands out in the pack,’ according to Charisma founder Steve Strang. Reuters

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is raking in endorsements left and right. After securing the nod of "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson, he has now gotten the support of Charisma founder Steve Strang.

"Exactly one year from today a new president will be sworn in. I'm hoping that new president is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Today, I am officially endorsing Cruz for our nation's highest office," Strang wrote in his news outlet's website.

Strang said he considered three things before backing Cruz: the man himself, his character, and his strategy on how to improve America's current standing.

"It's no surprise our country is in a mess. Christian values are no longer valued by the mainstream. Entrepreneurship is threatened, our government is becoming more socialistic, and our security is being jeopardised as the United States fails to take seriously the threats from radical Islamic terrorists and rogue states like Iran and North Korea," he says.

But the upcoming presidential election allows the country to "change direction," and Strang is confident that Cruz would be able to steer the country towards the right direction.

"This time we have an opportunity to get behind one candidate. I see many evangelicals beginning to coalesce behind Ted Cruz. This is one of the reasons I've decided to endorse him during the primaries. In past years we've always endorsed in the general election, but often the endorsement was not enthusiastic but for the lesser of two evils," he said.

Strang added that every Republican candidate shows potential, but Cruz simply "stands out in the pack" because of his "courageous conservatism." He noted that Donald Trump dominates the media, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee are okay as well, while Sen. Marco Rubio is "a good man of faith."

"Cruz successfully protected the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance as Solicitor General of Texas. Cruz defended religious liberty in public schools, the workplace and the church. And he stood up for veterans' free speech rights," he shared.

Strang agrees that Cruz's long list of achievements is "just as remarkable as his courage," and he sincerely hopes that Cruz's win would "reignite the promise of America."

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